After achieving pop success in the 90s as part of indie girl band Kenickie, Lauren Laverne spent a few years under the radar before reinventing herself over the last decade as a successful broadcaster, radio presenter and digital entrepreneur. As well as her regular daytime slot on BBC 6 Music, Lauren presents on TV, including as part of the BBC Glasto coverage. She is now also co-founder and broadcast director at The Pool, a new wave, softly feminist online women’s mag aimed at time stretched women and tackling topics including the realities of womanhood, fashion and social justice. So what can we learn from this multi skilled polymath? And what inspiration can we take for our own careers, startups and entrepreneuring journeys? Continue Reading
How to get the most out of your headshot photo shoot
You’ve decided it’s time to invest in some top business headshots to promote your personal brand and help your business to shine – go you! The key thing now is to make sure you get the absolute most you can out of it, so you get kick ass headshots that you can be really proud of. With just a little thought and preparation you can head to your shoot confident that the resulting shots will be just what you’re looking for. So what exactly should you be thinking about pre shoot? Here’s our Hey Tuesday low down… Continue Reading
How smart entrepreneurs get great marketing photos on a budget
If you need a kick ass set of marketing and PR headshots to help promote your personal brand, win more clients and present your business in a professional light, but you only have a small amount of money to spend, don’t despair! Yes, professional photography can be a really expensive affair, but there are ways to make your small budget work hard for you and get images that you’re proud to stick on your website. Check out our cool tips…
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Top social media trends in 2018 & how to use them for business success
The social media landscape is changing so rapidly that it’s hard to keep up with the latest trends and figure out what you should be using in your business and how. But never fear – here at Hey Tuesday we have done the research for you. So sit back, grab a cuppa, a pen and a notebook and let us help you plan your social media strategy…
Instagram stories
Hey Tuesday speaks to top relationship coach Laura Yates about her personal brand
If you’ve been keeping up with our blog here at Hey Tuesday, you’ll be most likely aware by now that to get ahead in business you need a kick ass personal brand. So we thought we’d get some tips and advice from someone who has absolutely nailed their personal brand (with a little help from Hey Tuesday!) and is out there winning clients because of it. Laura Yates is a relationship coach who helps people bounce back after breakups and heartbreak. She does this via personal coaching, events, her blog and other online content. Laura sat down with Hey Tuesday to give us her insight on personal branding… Continue Reading
What they don’t tell you about life as a freelancer
When we first say to friends and colleagues that we plan to go freelance, we’re often met with a barrage of scare stories, tales of things that could go wrong, and negative forecasts about how difficult and stressful it’s going to be. But surely it can’t all be bad? There seem to be quite a few freelancers out there and some of them must be doing ok, making a living and enjoying their new found freedom. There must be some secrets to success that you only know if you’re in the know. Here are a few nuggets that don’t get talked about as often… Continue Reading