Whether they’re creating airlines or lingerie, today’s top business leaders all have one thing in common: they have mastered the art of self-marketing and personal branding. Your personal brand is what makes you unique and can be summed up with the words and phrases your customers and colleagues would use to describe you and what you stand for. To help you figure out what your personal brand is and whether it could do with sharpening up, we’re going to take a look at some famous entrepreneurs and their personal brands… Continue Reading
women in business
How to look after your mental health as an entrepreneur
There are loads of tips out there for entrepreneurs – how to be successful, how to scale up your business, how to network, how to get investment, but there’s not as much out there yet about the emotional side of things. The journey as an entrepreneur – from struggling startup to successful scalable business – can be fraught with anxiety, stress and worry, which takes a big toll on our mental health. So it’s something we need to be aware of from the outset. Don’t leave it until you’re a frazzled wreck. Here’s our quick fire run through of how we look after our mental health here at Hey Tuesday. We hope some of these hacks work for you. Continue Reading
Is the multi-hyphen career the future?
Is the multi-hyphen career the future? We asked three entrepreneurs for their view…
Here at Hey Tuesday, we’re always talking about the importance of a personal brand. And if you have a strong personal brand, the sky’s the limit in terms of your career options. It’s no longer expected that you’ll just stick to one profession your whole life; millennials are multi-skilled and prize individualism above everything else. The idea of having multiple career strands on the go at once is no longer seen as fickle, indecisive or unreliable – it’s actually beginning to be seen as the holy grail in terms of career fulfilment. It is now common to have a ‘day job’ to pay the bills whilst exploring other career options that allow you to develop your passions, creative side or entrepreneurial flair. Hey Tuesday sought the views of three multi-hyphen career ninjas about this new trend that everyone is talking about and how to make it happen for yourself. Continue Reading
Working for someone else vs working for yourself, which will come out on top?
Is working for yourself really all it’s cracked up to be? And is working for someone else really all that bad? We bet whichever camp you fall into, you’ll have a strong view on this. And if you’re someone who’s considering jumping the fence and joining the other side, you need to know the full facts before you do! So..entering the ring for five rounds, here we go…ding ding! Continue Reading
From pop star to digital entrepreneur: what we can learn from Lauren Laverne
After achieving pop success in the 90s as part of indie girl band Kenickie, Lauren Laverne spent a few years under the radar before reinventing herself over the last decade as a successful broadcaster, radio presenter and digital entrepreneur. As well as her regular daytime slot on BBC 6 Music, Lauren presents on TV, including as part of the BBC Glasto coverage. She is now also co-founder and broadcast director at The Pool, a new wave, softly feminist online women’s mag aimed at time stretched women and tackling topics including the realities of womanhood, fashion and social justice. So what can we learn from this multi skilled polymath? And what inspiration can we take for our own careers, startups and entrepreneuring journeys? Continue Reading
How to get the most out of your headshot photo shoot
You’ve decided it’s time to invest in some top business headshots to promote your personal brand and help your business to shine – go you! The key thing now is to make sure you get the absolute most you can out of it, so you get kick ass headshots that you can be really proud of. With just a little thought and preparation you can head to your shoot confident that the resulting shots will be just what you’re looking for. So what exactly should you be thinking about pre shoot? Here’s our Hey Tuesday low down… Continue Reading