Depending on the type of industry you’re in, this time of year is usually either completely manic or spookily quiet. Either you’re struggling to try and keep all the balls in the air at once, or you’re struggling to keep your business off the ground. Whichever it is, we’ve got some top tips that’ll help you make the most of the festive season. Continue Reading
Feeling the overwhelm? We’ve got you covered
If you’re feeling overwhelmed by your workload and don’t do something to address it, there’s only one way it’s going to end, and that’s with the ‘s’ word…stress. Now we’ve all felt a bit stressed from time to time, but left unchecked, chronic stress will have a knock on effect on everything else in your life. You’ll become less productive and your home life and even your health can suffer. Here are our Hey Tuesday tips for getting on top of your workload before it gets on top of you…
How to use gorgeous images to build your brand presence on social media
If you want to have a kick ass social media strategy which drives traffic to your website, brings in new clients and builds your brand, you’d better start taking your visuals seriously. Photography should be a key part of your social media marketing. Here are some Do’s and Don’t’s to make sure you’re getting it right online.
What it’s really like to work for yourself
What it’s really like to work for yourself: the best and the worst
Ditching the rate race and becoming self employed seems too good to be true, right? No boss scrutinising your every move, no dreary office politics, no more having your milk stolen from the work fridge. But are you sure you know what you’re letting yourself in for? Here are the best and the worst bits of life as a freelancer – things everyone who’s already taken the plunge will recognise. Written by our hotshot photographer and marketing superstar, Lauren. Continue Reading
Business headshots for personal trainers
Although we work with quite a lot of start ups, small businesses and charities, we also work with lots of people who work for themselves and need a cool, dynamic set of photos that they can use to market and promote themselves across different social media channels such as LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook & Twitter. I’ve recently taken up Muay Thai, at a local mixed martial arts gym, and met the lovely Fiona, who runs her own business as a personal trainer. We got chatting and she decided to book us for a shoot as she wants to up her profile across social media. Now this shoot was a lot of fun. We headed down to our gym and I made her work out for real with tyres, kettle bells and boxing gloves. We wanted the shots to be as authentic as possible and believe me those kettle bells were not light ones. I love the results so much I wanted to share them on my blog. And if you’re thinking about doing a martial art, I can’t recommend Muay Thai enough. It’s not only making me physically strong, but also mentally resilient, which is critical for anyone running their own business. Continue Reading
6 Strategies to Feel the Fear & Set Up a Business Anyway
This first appeared here on Huffington Post
I’m into my third year of running my own business, Hey Saturday, and have recently launched a sister company, Hey Tuesday, and a lot of people have been asking me where I got the courage from to strike out on my own and work for myself.
I was pretty scared of giving up a good, steady income to be honest – just like everyone else – and that fear wouldn’t go away. But, I noticed my desire to work for myself wouldn’t go away either, in fact it was growing.