My name is Amber, I’m 19 years old and studying Marketing at the University of Liverpool. I love socialising, shopping and spending time with the people I love! Continue Reading
Have you met Giles yet? He’s our new, part-time Head of Production here at Hey Tuesday and over at our older sister company, Hey Saturday and he’s just quit his corporate job. Over to Giles…
Ah networking! As self employed and freelance people, it’s something we know we’ve got to get to grips with. But if, like us, you find walking into a room full of business people a little daunting, follow our top tips to networking success.
Ok so we’re not all going to come up with something as unique and world famous as Harry Potter, but what can we learn from J.K. Rowling’s approach to business and marketing? Here are four key things that Rowling has done amazingly well, that we might be able to incorporate into our own brands and business journeys.
Whether they’re creating airlines or lingerie, today’s top business leaders all have one thing in common: they have mastered the art of self-marketing and personal branding. Your personal brand is what makes you unique and can be summed up with the words and phrases your customers and colleagues would use to describe you and what you stand for. To help you figure out what your personal brand is and whether it could do with sharpening up, we’re going to take a look at some famous entrepreneurs and their personal brands… Continue Reading
There are loads of tips out there for entrepreneurs – how to be successful, how to scale up your business, how to network, how to get investment, but there’s not as much out there yet about the emotional side of things. The journey as an entrepreneur – from struggling startup to successful scalable business – can be fraught with anxiety, stress and worry, which takes a big toll on our mental health. So it’s something we need to be aware of from the outset. Don’t leave it until you’re a frazzled wreck. Here’s our quick fire run through of how we look after our mental health here at Hey Tuesday. We hope some of these hacks work for you. Continue Reading